Mysterious Pattern in a Cave Is Oldest Rock Art Found in Patagonia
About 8,200 years ago, in one of the last places settled by humans, prehistoric peoples began painting comblike designs as…
Mysterious Pattern in a Cave Is Oldest Rock Art Found in Patagonia
About 8,200 years ago, in one of the last places settled by humans, prehistoric peoples began painting comblike designs as…
From Hunted to Hunter: Neanderthals Preyed on Cave Lions, Study Finds
A new archaeological analysis is the first to show that our human ancestors intentionally stalked large beasts of prey, and…
Hunter-Gatherers Were Making Baskets 9,500 Years Ago, Researchers Say
Dozens of items that were found in a cave in southern Spain more than a century ago date from the…
A Nick Cave Survey With Plenty of Bells but No Whistles
In 1992, when Nick Cave made his first soundsuit, the ornate, full-body garments for which he is best known, it…