Why Is My Brother So Angry That I Changed Tables at His Son’s Wedding?
A reader abandoned the family table at her nephew’s wedding to join her sister at a lesser table, upsetting the…
How Can I Stay Cool and Look Chic in the Heat?
As temperatures rise, a reader wonders how to dress for sweaty summers while maintaining a sense of style.
My Mom Failed to Warn Me About an Abuser. Should I Tell My Dad?
The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on cycles of abuse and a heartbreaking family secret.
Why Do I Have to Choose Between My Grandmother’s Funeral and a Birthday Party?
A reader’s brother-in-law is insisting that she accompany her children to his 1-year-old’s birthday party, even though attending would require…
Do You Have Food Allergies? Here’s How to Travel Safely.
For the 33 million Americans managing any of the most common nine food allergies — including milk, eggs, nuts, wheat,…
What Is a Flip Tax, and Who Has to Pay It?
Flip taxes, also known as a transfer fees, help co-op buildings raise money for repairs and improvements, and they must…
Have You Had Trouble Getting Your Medication? We Want to Hear From You.
The New York Times is writing about pharmacy benefit managers, which are at the center of a system that can…
How to Give Yourself a Salon-Like Manicure at Home
Everything you need to know to take care of your nails like a professional — polish optional.
‘Janet Planet’ Review: A Sticky Summer Full of Small Dramas
Annie Baker’s debut feature film is a tiny masterpiece — a perfect coming-of-age story for both a misfit tween and…
Why Are My Parents Handling College Costs So Differently for My Sibling?
A reader who was made to choose a college based on price is struggling to understand her parents’ support of…